
chasing wild geese

It really has been like a wild goose chase lately, the creative path I'm stumbling down that seems to exist in parts and be overrun by weeds and other deterrents elsewhere. Oddly enough, I think I may be built for wild goose chases.

I've read a lot by people about the need for focus and organization when chasing these geese. The thing is, geese are a creative bunch. They don't fall in line simply because I tell them to. To be honest, my executive functioning is such that, if they did fall in line, I'd have a harder time catching them. But this off-roading I've been doing lately --it feels right.

I am writing this for those people who are made to chase geese.

Do not --I repeat, do NOT --under any circumstances feel guilty for being a goose chaser. Do not feel less worthy. Do not feel abnormal. When you look at creatives over history, a lot of them were goose chasers. I am a goose chaser, if you need a contemporary who knows what you are going through. My publication credits? Two short stories. Novel started going on two years ago and not completed for NaNoWriMo. Lots of starts, few finishes.

But part of creative endeavors is being responsive and reflective. Goose chasers are very good at this. We are not there to check off lists. We regularly look at the way things are and ask, is this working? We don't fall in line --our geese don't, and we follow after them, don't we?

I have found that I do best when I find one goose in the bunch. I have to watch them a bit. I have a lot of stops and starts to answer for, but once I stop and watch, I find my goose. My goose, I am finding through my most recent creative attempts, is one I hadn't paid much attention to at first. It wasn't the fattest or the one that ran closest to me. It was the one that interested me the most, for whatever reason. Finding that goose has meant I have a greater ability to pay attention and be consistent (to the extent that I've gladly been spending what hours I can on it because I am focused). I am making lists, so you know it's serious.

What's my goose? It is a goose that incorporates many of the things I love: words, visuals, fun, creativity, humor. It's probably a very awkward goose, but it's my goose and it makes sense to me and, to misappropriate Robert Frost, it has made all the difference.

And in case you weren't sure, "goose"? It's a metaphor for purpose. And the organization and diligence that are tricky come along when you have a solid, concrete reason for the chase.

Enjoy your creative pursuits and go get some geese. Or butterflies ...or whatever it is that gives you purpose. Enjoy.
