responses to famous lines (sour grapes)

It must be a nasty case of sour grapes is the only thing I can figure.

Why else would Tennyson's famous line, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," have popped into my head, immediately followed by the thought bullshit? I must be jealous of Tennyson's literary success, or perhaps his phrasing. I certainly wouldn't be jealous of his current pulse rate, so it would have to be one of the other two things, most certainly.

Actually, I'm just in a bit of a punchy mood. I think Tennyson was actually correct, but I feel like being mouthy. Why not? A bit of fun. This is the part where she shrugs.

So, here are a couple ...  

"You have brains in your head." --Dr. Seuss

You give me too much credit, sir.

"Not all who wander are lost." --J.R.R. Tolkien

Okay, but how do I get out of here again?

"And miles to go before I sleep." --Robert Frost

The horse is driving --take a nap, Bob.

"Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."" --Edgar Allan Poe

Talking ravens? You may want to lay off the laudanum.



Oh, the sillies. Why not try a few yourself?

after a long day at work

Kick back. Relax. Here --have a glass of whisky (unless you're a non-practicing alcoholic or a teetotaler, in which case, let me make you some tea ...).

We've all had them. Those long days. Those looooong days. Those looooooooooooooooooo- *gasps* -ooooooooooooong days. They come and they go, and then, they come back like some kind of rash that didn't respond well to ointment.

What do you do on those days? I'll tell you what you don't do: you don't fight it. Makes it worse. I can tell you from experience (and by 'experience', I mean today).

Great. Don't fight it. Now what?

Get yourself some mindless music or angry music or soothing music, depending on your mood. Socialize or don't socialize, depending on your mood. Go to whatever your happy place is. At the moment, my happy place was Twitter for a little bit where I could be loud and weird, and in a few minutes, it will be someplace quiet and alone to read. I might exercise to get some endorphins --I might not. The point is, you do what you feel you need to do for you in the moment to let the day slip away.

You have people depending on you? You are a caretaker of some kind? Either get a little space from the serious duties or make them fun (silly them up a bit --why not?).

*Note: The title of this post is "After A Long Day At Work". Life is work, so if you've had a long day of life --not work-dependent --that counts, too. Take care of yourself when and as best you can.